Recently we had Great Barrington Town Planner Chris Rembold as a guest on the WSBS "Let's Talk" program. Among the various topics he discussed with us was the Great Barrington Complete Streets Open House which is coming up this Wednesday, April 25th, 6:00 P.M. at the Senior Center located at 917 South Main Street.

According Rembold, Great Barrington is planning for Complete Streets. As a refresher, Complete Streets are streets for everyone. They are designed and operated to enable safe access for all users including pedestrians, bicyclists, drivers and public transportation riders of all ages and abilities. Complete Streets improvements can range from a bicycle rack at a public building, to replacing broken sidewalks to fixing dangerous intersections orwidening roadways to better accommodate bicycles.

According to the Smart Growth America website, to date, over 1140 agencies at the local, regional, and state levels have adopted Complete Streets policies, totaling over 1200 policies nationwide.

The Town of Great Barrington recently conducted a survey of complete streets needs that received 300 responses. The Open House will review the survey results and seek input on which projects the Town should request funding for. It will include a discussion of the South Main Street (Rt. 7) project, to gather the community’s ideas about how to proceed with this transportation improvement project. This open house is free and open to the public.

For questions about this project contact Town Planner Chris Rembold by emailing:

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