A Empowering Discussion About Addiction
Chris Herren was deemed an NBA legend during his playing days with the Denver Nuggets and Boston Celtics as he broke scoring records prior to his pro basketball career as he was recruited by the nation's top colleges before he played in Colorado's capital city back in 1999. However, his life took a dark turn as he made a few bad decisions which included a bout with drug addiction which led to an abrupt end on the hardwood and almost lost his family before accepting that he had a problem abusing prescription and gateway drugs in his life.
Chris will step up and share his story with the public as Grace Church and Fairview Hospital in Great Barrington will sponsor a personal presentation in a forum that will take place on Thursday, May 23rd at The Mahaiwe Performing Arts Center. No reservations are needed for this free event which begins at 6:30 pm and seating is on a first-come, first-serve basis as the aim is towards inspiring people to identify the "why" in their stories regarding drug abuse and addiction.
It all starts with a 5 minute film that will introduce the Fall River, Massachusetts native with highlights from his NBA career followed by the presentation and concluding with a question and answer session from the audience in attendance. You are invited to share his story and take preventative measures in keeping yourself safe and avoid heading toward a path of lifetime destruction as the message from this get-together states that "Prevention Starts With All"
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