The Town of Great Barrington will present not one but TWO meetings this Monday evening, August 10th at Town Hall. Both sessions will be presented virtually via Zoom as the general public will not be able to personally attend due to the COVID-19 pandemic. You can access these meetings on-line by using this link.

You can also dial in for audio only: (929) 205-6099  Webinar ID: 839 4211 6525 Passcode: 443443

Specific information and general guidelines for remote participation can be found by logging on to The Town of Great Barrington's web site as the public will be able to adequately access these meetings via technological means.

The first session begins promptly at 6 pm with a joint meeting between the Select Board and Housing Authority with an appointment of a new member to the Town's Housing Authority. A vote on the matter will follow along with Citizen Speak Time and final adjournment before the start of their open meeting.

Part 2 begins with a call to order, announcements from The Select Board, The Town Manager's Report which features department and project updates including a proposed rate adjustment for Housatonic Water Works Company Incorporated customers. A vote on this sensitive topic will follow.


Items addressed include a special permit application for construction of a large scale development in a B-2 zone and increases in impervious surface in the water quality protection district to expand Guido's Retail Store located at 760 Main Street in Great Barrington. Other matters to be addressed include parking, stormwater, utilities and site work filed per sections 3.1.4. C(11) 7.9, 7.12 and 10.4 of the Zoning Bylaw. A discussion and final vote will also be included in this agenda.

A special permit application from Berkshire Aviation Enterprises Incorporated for an aviation field in a r-4 zone located at 70 Egremont Plain Road in Great Barrington as per sections 3.1.4 E(1) and 10.4 of the Zoning Bylaw followed by a discussion and vote.

An application from Sandra Sosa, manager of Agaves Mexican Grill LLC for a new Common Victualler Restaurant all alcoholic liquor license with outdoor seating for 60 people at their Stockbridge Road location in Great Barrington, followed by another discussion and vote.


Agaves Mexican Grill: License for a 2020 Common Victualler restaurant with outdoor seating,

Great Barrington Land Conservancy: A driveway permit at the entrance to riverfront trail located on Brookside Road over Town ROW.

Olde Yankee Street Rods: A temporary Sunday entertainment license displayed at Bogie's Restaurant on route 7 in accordance with upcoming car show to be held on September 6th from 9;30 am to 3 pm.

All matters will be discussed followed by a vote pending final approval.


A request to allow grantees to receive funding whether they have performed or not during the coronavirus pandemic as per the directive of The Mass Cultural Council and the appointment of election workers as both matters will be pending a discussion and final vote.

Citizen Speak Time will be offered asn residents have submitted questions to address various topics. Those comments that were not included will be mentioned in next month's meeting for discussion, followed by Select Board and Media Time and a final adjournment ends the evening's forum.

The next Select Board Meeting in Great Barrington will be held on Monday, August 24th 2020. we'll keep you posted on further details.

(The following information was obtained by WSBS via a press release courtesy of The Town of Great Barrington for on-air and on-line usage)

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