A Preview Of Tonight’s GB Select Board Meeting
This evening, The Town of Great Barrington will present their Select Board Regular Meeting at Town Hall, located at 334 Main Street. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, participants can follow the latest developments on-line. For more information, log on to the town's web site by going here.
You can access this evening's session via Zoom by accessing this link:
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A CALL TO ORDER will take place approximately 6 pm followed by an approval of minutes from previous meetings that were held on December 7th and December 21st 2020 and on January 11th, 2021.
Prior to The Town Manager's Report, the Select Board will feature various announcements and statements. Some of the topics addressed include updates on Housatonic's Water Works, Cultural Competency training, a bus shelter and bench at St. James Place, the introduction of Ross Vivori who was recently appointed as the town's principal assessor plus new information regarding the route 7 fairgrounds, transportation programs and next year's winter parking ban.
Mark Amstead has applied for a driveway permit at 131 Lake Buel Road and Thomas Flynn has also submitted a similar request on property located at 7 Forrest Street.
A change of beneficial interest for an All Alcohol Liquor License at Big Y on 700 Main Street, Depart wine MA Retail, LLC at 28 railroad Street and the Coffee Bar, LLC also located on Railroad Street.
A sewer rate presentation for the upcoming 2022 fiscal year presented by Sewer Rate Presentations, an update on the Division Street bridge construction project, Chief Paul Storti will discuss future visions for the Great Barrington Police Department, a Cultural Council appointment, an appointment of a town representative for Southern Berkshire Ambulance, the latest evaluation of the Town Manager's annual performance and a discussion regarding the trust policy and police oversight committee charter. A vote on this matter will follow.
As these meetings have been closed to the public, residents STILL have the opportunity to submit questions in advance regarding various topics that warrant mention. You can submit questions for future Select Board meetings by accessing the town's web site.
The session will also include Select Board and Media Time and will then convene into an Executive Session which features a motion and vote to approve upcoming executive session minutes in compliance with G.L. c. 30A followed by the standard adjournment.
A reminder, the next Select Board meeting takes place on April 26th, 2021.
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