A Well Known Dog Treat Your Pups Love Has Been Withdrawn
Big Heart Pet, Inc. the makers of Pup-Peroni Dog Treats (Original Beef & Triple Steak Flavors) has withdrawn, the dog treats because of the presence of mold. specifically, Various lot numbers and sizes of Original Beef Flavor and Triple Steak Flavor Pup-Peroni Dog Treats, with “best by” dates ranging from Sept. 25, 2022 to Dec. 24, 2022.
Sku info sent by Chewy that was affected:
Pup-Peroni Original Beef Flavor Dog Treats, 38-oz bag 79100830527125211
Best by Date/ Production Code: Various
Lot: Various Pup-Peroni Triple Steak Flavor Dog Treats, 38-oz bag 79100589913177938
Best by Date/ Production Code: Various
Lot: Various Pup-Peroni Original Beef Flavor Dog Treats, 25-oz bag 7910058371399923
Best by Date/ Production Code: Various
Lot: Various Pup-Peroni Triple Steak Flavor Dog Treats, 25-oz bag 79100149810142268
Best by Date/ Production Code: Various
Lot: Various
In a release from the company that makes pup-peroni, the J.M Smucker Company
They have initiated a withdrawal of specific lots of Pup-Peroni® Triple Steak Flavor and
Original Beef Flavor Dog Treats due to an incident involving mold. While we continue to evaluate the issue, the data we currently have does not suggest a food safety risk and we are coordinating this withdrawal out of an abundance of caution.
The Companies records indicate you have received shipments of impacted products. The company asks that you examine your inventories and immediately destroy any impacted product that remains.
Earlier this week, several customers shared photos on Pup-Peroni’s Facebook page that appeared to show mold on dog treats.
To receive your credit, please complete the Product Destruction/Return Summary form enclosed and send it to the contact identified on the form.
If any product matching the below production information is located at individual stores or distribution centers, please destroy the impacted product, fill out the included Verification of Product Destruction/Return form and send it to your customer service representative.

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