It is the first weekend of fall here in the Berkshires. Lots of festivities happening everything from apple picking, to pumpkin patches, and even concerts! Concerts? In the cold? Yes one of the biggest events of the year in North Adams is this weekend and that can only mean one thing. TOURISM!

So Why So Many Tourists?

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With MASS MoCA holding their annual FreshGrass Festival, there is a chance that traffic can get pretty hectic in downtown North Adams with visitors from all over coming to join the festivities. Especially those that choose to campout for three nights in the designated camping spots. So if you are a tourist just visiting North Adams, don't worry we're all friendly here (at least I try to be). However we do ask for two simples rules, have fun and be safe!

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Here's a list of safety tips on how to properly enjoy the festivities:

1. Be mindful where you park. Privates business don't like it when non-patrons are in their lot.

2. Please do not block any private driveways when parking on city streets.

3. Use caution when having to cross the street going into Mass MoCA. It can get pretty hectic in that area specifically.

4. If you're camping in the designated "campgrounds", be respectful of you neighbors including residents in the surrounding area.

5. Most importantly, enjoy your time in this artful city we have to offer!

USA, Massachusetts, North Adams, elevated town view.
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For any questions or concerns, public safety is here to serve you 24/7 at 413-664-4944.

5 Ways To Tell It's Fall In The Berkshires

Fall, Leaves, Halloween, Pumpkin Patch

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