Boy Scout Troop 23 to Hold Fundraiser
Boy Scout Troop 23 will hold its annual Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser this year on Thursday, April 26 from 5-7 P.M. at Saint Peter's Parish Center in Great Barrington. Tickets can still be purchased in advance from Steve Agar or any Scout in Troop 23 or at the door the evening of the event. The cost per ticket is $10. Thank you for your support!
About Boy Scout Troop 23
Troop 23 has some type of activity every month. Past campouts have focused on hiking, backpacking, outdoor cooking, rock climbing and rappelling, biking, and canoeing. Troop 23 has regular events like special themed “Camporees”, a mid-winter “Klondike Derby”, as well as other special events involving scouts from all over Massachusetts. Each summer the troop attends a week-long summer camp.
Troop 23 was founded in 1928 and is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Great Barrington. The Troop has enjoyed serving the community and the sponsoring organization since their beginning. Since the Troop was charted they have had 60 Scouts achieve the rank of Eagle. The Eagle projects have helped the local community, schools, churches, and charities.
Merit badges are awards earned by youth members of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), based on activities within an area of study by completing a list of requirements which are updated periodically. The purpose of the merit badge program is to allow Scouts to examine subjects to determine if they would like to further pursue them as a hobby or perhaps even a career.