During the COVID-19 pandemic, people have been flocking for a chance to commune with nature right here in our backyard. The Berkshire Botanical Garden located at the junctions of routes 102 and 183 in Stockbridge, Massachusetts has been an oasis to those who enjoy an assortment of flora at their prestigious grounds.

As Mother's Day slowly approaches, this is a GREAT way to enjoy some quality family time as the Garden presents their 44th annual Plants And Awareness Plant Sale which takes place on Friday, May 7th from 12 noon to 5 pm and on Saturday, May 8th from 9 am to 5 pm.

This year's extravaganza features plants chosen due to their ornamental value and spotlights a unique feature in the Berkshires and it's surrounding areas as hundreds of perennials, annuals and vegetables, hanging plants and carnivorous plants (Word of warning: Be careful and keep your distance) will be proudly displayed.

Volunteers, also known as "The Ask Me Staff" will also be available to dispense advice for the general public. Proceeds will support The Garden's horticultural and educational programs as donations will be accepted from all patrons in attendance. Admission and parking are FREE. 

This event dates back to 1977 as the sale carries on a yearly tradition of supplying a robust assortment of plants for landscape and container gardens with a wide array of organic vegetables and herb plants which attract various species including bees, hummingbirds, butterflies, moths and other pollinators. Cone shaped hanging arrangements will also be available for purchase.

Items will also be up for bids as part of the Garden's "Treasures from Our Friends" as this auction will be posted from May 7th and May 16th. You are encouraged to participate to assist in this worthy cause that benefits BBG.

Due to COVID-19 state guidelines, all patrons MUST wear a mask on the property and proper social distancing guidelines will be strictly enforced. Reservations must be made by logging on to their web site by going here.

(The following information was obtained by WSBS via a press release courtesy of The Berkshire Botanical Garden for on-air and on-line usage)

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