Have you noticed some strange things afoot at your local Massachusetts supermarket chain lately? For instance, more and more bare shelves? Or the fact that you can't use your accumulated points?

There's a reason behind it. And it's a pretty big reason, to boot. You may not be aware of the name Ahold Delhaize but let me fill you in. Ahold Delhaize is a HUGE food industry giant that owns numerous grocery store chains and I'm sure you're familiar with some of those names.

Hannaford is owned by Ahold Delhaize. And I'm aware that many of my neighbors go to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina on occasion. So plenty of you are familiar with Food Lion which is very popular down south. Also owned by Ahold Delhaize.

The supermarket chain that I'm sure most of you reading this are familiar with though is Stop & Shop, which actually started up in Massachusetts (Quincy) and is still based in the Commonwealth. Yep. Owned by Ahold Delhaize.

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Recently, a massive cyberattack took place at the US division of Ahold Delhaize which has impacted a number of chains owned by the company. If you've done your weekly grocery shopping recently at Stop & Shop, you may have noticed.

According to cybersecurity research website CyberNews.com, Ahold Delhaize announced on its website back on November 8th that they had detected a cybersecurity issue and had notified law enforcement.

The company also stated that they had to take some systems offline so as to isolate them from additional damage. As one can imagine, this has affected millions of people. In addition to Food Lion, Hannaford, and Stop & Shop, Ahold Delhaize also owns Giant Food and the GIANT Company.

The company did stress that all five of its USA brands' stores are in fact open and serving the public, according to CyberNews. If you are a shopper at any of these supermarket chains, you may have some questions.

Namely, has your personal info been compromised in any way? Sadly, that question (among others) may not be answered anytime soon. In fact, many of the store employees are unable to provide explanations when asked.

As of yet, Ahold Delhaize has not said whether or not any sensitive customer information has been jeopardized. For the full story, please visit CyberNews.com's website here.

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