DuBois Legacy Committee Seeks New Members
From the Town of Great Barrington
The Town of Great Barrington’s W.E.B. Du Bois Legacy Committee is accepting applications from interested new members.
The Du Bois Legacy Committee works to “preserve and promote Great Barrington native W.E.B. Du Bois’s legacy as a scholar and activist for freedom, civil rights, progressive education, economic justice and racial equality.”
The town-sponsored committee holds events throughout the year to commemorate the work of Du Bois, including a W.E.B. Du Bois Day celebration; the annual Du Bois Festival during January and February, and classes, seminars and speakers.
In addition, the committee collaborates with UMass/Amherst and other education institutions, along with arts, history and community organizations, to keep the Du Bois memory alive.
The committee also oversees a rotating display of Du Bois artifacts the Great Barrington Mason Library.
Interested applicants may email hkuziemko@townofgb.org, or send a letter to Helen Kuziemko, Town of Great Barrington, 334 Main St., Great Barrington, MA 01230.
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