Facebook Friday Winner For October 12
WSBS extends a big thank you to the over 2,500 people who liked us on Facebook....If you haven't yet liked our page, head over to the WSBS Facebook page, hit the LIKE button and you will automatically be entered in the drawing for some cool prizes including movie tickets, grocery store gift cards, restaurant certificates, concert tickets and a whole lot more....It pays to like you Home Town Station in The Berkshires and all across the tri-state region.
So here's the BIG moment you've been waiting for....Our Facebook Friday winner for October 12th is Barbara Scarbro....Congratulations, Barbara....You've just won a $25 gift certificate redeemable at The Egremont Barn, home of the "BEST" $10 burger in The Berkshires.
If you have any friends or family in our listening area that have not yet LIKED our WSBS Facebook page, please pass the word so they can LIKE our station page and they will also be in the running to win every Friday morning at 7:50 with our "main man" Jesse Stewart.... From the station that LOVES to make you a winner....WSBS....