Farm Bureau Members Gather For Annual Meeting
FRAMINGHAM, MASSACHUSETTS - Nov. 28, 2018 - Massachusetts Farm Bureau Federation's (MFBF's) 103rd Annual Meeting is set to happen tomorrow and Friday, during which more than 200 members and guests will gather to attend workshops, learning sessions and establish policy for the upcoming year.
This year's meeting will focus on the new Department of Transportation regulations and weather trends and include workshops on leadership opportunities within the organization, a discussion on food safety regulations, labor and more. This value-packed program is a can't-miss for MFBF members.
"On Thursday we focus on educational workshops that our members can attend in-between socializing and networking," said MFBF President Mark Amato. "This meeting is made possible by our members and I want to thank Norfolk and Plymouth County Farm Bureaus for stepping up to host this year's annual meeting."
As part of the annual event, fundraisers for the Massachusetts Agriculture in the Classroom and MFBF Young Farmer and Rancher (YF&R) committee are scheduled to be held. MAC will hold a silent auction and the YF&R committee will host a BINGO night. All proceed will be donated back to these groups.
The meeting will conclude on Friday with the business meeting of MFBF delegates and Board of Directors. During this meeting delegates will set policy priorities for the organization in 2019; discuss and review proposed bylaw changes; and vote on Board of Director positions.
"All of the policy that MFBF lobbies for is created and approved by its membership," Amato said. "This process is respected by the legislature and gives us a strong voice on Beacon Hill. I'm looking forward to solid discussion and hope to see many of our members this week at the annual meeting."
Following the statewide meeting, if a resolution has national applicability, MFBF's leadership will bring the resolution to American Farm Bureau Federation's annual meeting for consideration.
Additional information about the MFBF's annual meeting agenda, location and more is available here. Those not attending in person can follow the digital conversation on MFBF's Facebook and/or Twitter.
(press release and photo sent to WSBS from the MFBF for online/on-air use)
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