GB: Growing Facility on Agenda of Two Selectboard Meetings
From The Town of Great Barrington
The Great Barrington Selectboard will discuss and vote on matters related to a proposed marijuana cultivation and manufacturing facility by Fulcrum Enterprises LLC at 22 VanDeusenville Road in Housatonic in a two-step process.
A Host Community Agreement will be reviewed Aug. 26 at 7 p.m. This agreement does not give the applicant approval for cultivation and manufacturing, it simply identifies the terms and conditions between the town and the applicant if a permit to operate is approved by the town and the Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission.
An application for a Special Permit to operate on a 5.78-acre parcel located in an Industrial Zoning District will be reviewed at an advertised public hearing scheduled for Sept. 9 at 7 p.m. This meeting is an opportunity for abutters and residents to hear a formal proposal and speak on the application.
Both meetings are at Town Hall. All are welcome to attend.