How Do I Know if a CodeRED Call from Great Barrington Isn’t Spam?
Let's face it, we all have to deal with spam on a regular basis. Our email accounts become filled with all types of irrelevant messages. Heck, we even have to deal with unwanted marketing phone/robo-calls and texts. Our technological devices can become flooded with spam. Spam has definitely become a part of regular everyday life. A sad reality but we have to deal with it and move on.
One important program that is offered by the Town of Great Barrington is CodeRed. If you don't know, CodeRed keeps residents informed with important and urgent information taking place throughout Great Barrington. In short, CodeRed is an emergency notification service.
The Town of Great Barrington recently released some information that you can use to make sure that when you receive a CodeRed alert phone call from the town, that it is indeed legitimate and not spam.

How can I identify a CodeRed alert on my phone, in an era of telemarketing and robo-calls?
You are receiving a CodeRED alert on your phone if you see the following numbers:
(866) 419-5000: Emergency Alert for Emergency Notifications
(855) 969-4636: Community Alert for General Notifications
You can add these numbers to your telephone contact list for better identification:
If you would like to hear the last message delivered to your phone, simply dial the number back.
The Town of Great Barrington recommends that now is a good time to update or review your CodeRED contact information, which is secure and is never shared with anyone.
A shout out to Great Barrington for making the identification process of CodeRED alerts easy. The town is putting our well being high on the priority list and I thank them for that.
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