Kiwanis Cash Calendar Winners
Sheffield Kiwanis has been selling cash calendars so they can continue their mission throughout the southern Berkshires of serving the youth of our area including providing scholarships. Each weekday morning following the 8am news block we announce the daily winners and now you can view them online. The list of winners up to this point is listed below.
May 1 - Nolan McCormick, $50
May 2 - Emma Stewart, $50
May 3 - Melissa Jangrow, $50
May 4 - Gregory Gomez, $50
May 5 - Emmett Kinne, $150
May 6 - Taylor Rathbun $50
May 7 - Ernest Louison, $50
May 8 - Sally Soudant, $50
May 9 - Dawn Morelli, $50
May 10 - Riley Pollard, $500
May 11 - Stacie Lane, $50
May 12 - Georgann Farnum, $100
May 13 - Amanda Seile, $50
May 14 - Barry Deffer, $50
May 15 - Anthony Gabriel, $50
May 16 - David Welch, $50
May 17 - Francis Toolin, $50
May 18 - Jennifer Wilcox, $50
May 19 - John Ullrich, $100
May 20 - Melissa Jangrow, $50
May 21 - Meghan Zirgler, $50
May 22, Abby Rossi, $50
May 23, Denise Church-Ball, $50
May 24, Tammy Pipa, $50
May 25, Carol Zucco - Memorial Day, $500
May 26, Heather Atwood, $100
May 27, Brigitte Dawson, $50
May 28, Nat Padin, $50
May 29, Deborah Heath, $50
May 30, Anita Diller, $50
May 31, Tara White, $50
Sheffield Kiwanis is part of a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time. The club has have proudly served the towns of Alford, Egremont, Great Barrington, Monterey, Mount Washington, New Marlborough and Sheffield since 1954.
You can get more information about Sheffield Kiwanis by going here.

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