Massachusetts residents: Did you know The Bay State harbors some deep and dark secrets that lurk within the forgotten walls of abandoned asylums. Echoes of the past are intertwined with mystery, madness and despair. Are you ready to embark on a chilling journey as we explore the top 5 sinister abandoned asylums. Some of the best paranormal experts are in agreement these places are truly "hair raising" upon entry:

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First up: Gothic architecture epitomizes the eerie nature of Danvers State Hospital, which is located near Gloucester and Revere. This facility was built back in 1878 and served as a site of revolutionary mental health treatments, which soon fell into disrepair and tales of abuse were rampant in nature. Their winding hallways are currently filled with an unsettling silence, as trapped patients are haunting the facility. Proceed, if you dare!


Metropolitan State Hospital encompasses parts of Waltham, Lexington, and Belmont, Massachusetts. This facility was in operation for over six decades. Statistics show this institution was once home to over 2,000 patients from 1930 to 1992. Reports indicate patient maltreatment and unexplained disappearances at this secluded campus as paranormal enthusiasts uncovered a grim past that emanates whispers through areas of rotting wood and peeling paint. Truly scary, if you ask me!


Just past the Connecticut border in Southeastern Massachusetts, Taunton State Hospital has a history filled with dark secrets. Since it's opening in 1854, this setting was the subject of rumors regarding inhumane treatments and sinister staff activities. It's empty corridors and shattered windows continue to remain as a testament towards the horror that once existed here, leaving visitors with a "spine-chilling" sensation.

Haunted House
Sean Nel

Northampton State Hospital is located east of Pittsfield. This building is known for it's majestic facade, but the edifice masks a troubling history as reports indicate overcrowding, neglect, and questionable medical practices. To this day, it STILL stands as a grim reminder of a scary past, casting long shadows that seem to hold anguished cries of those who suffered within these confines. The curiosity factor draws a phenomenal amount of paranormal activity as Berkshire residents have reportedly explored the facility and they survived to report about their experiences.


Finally, in Worcester county, Westborough State Hospital served as a beacon of progressive mental health care but later became synonymous with decay and despair. They first opened back in 1884, however the decrepit campus has been overtaken with echoes of unfulfilled healing promises and those who explore the run down property can feel an unnerving silence of abandonment which is the scariest component upon entering this building. You have been warned!

attachment-Arno & Kathy

This sounds like we should call our favorite UFO couple, Arno and Kathy Pinsonnault to make an excursion to these Bay State houses where terror seems to live on even in this "so-called 21st century". And knowing them so well, they will do so!

(Some information obtained in this article courtesy of


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