Massachusetts Residents Should be Aware of Painful ‘Ghost Bugs’
Recently we talked about a type of life-threatening tick that Massachusetts residents may want to be aware of after learning that our neighboring state New York along with five other states are dealing with this pest. You can read more about this tick which is known as the Lone Star Tick by going here.
Now, There is Another Painful Pest That Massachusetts Residents Want to Be Aware of
Another pest that New Yorkers, particularly folks in the Hudson Valley area, are dealing with is the 'Ghost Bug.' This type of bug can bite you and you won't even notice it. At least not right away. However, if you start to notice itchy bumps along with swelling and pain, there's a very good chance that you have been attacked by a 'Ghost Bug.' The Hudson Valley Post reports that these bugs are referred to as black flies or flying midges and started out as a concern in the Adirondacks and North but now are starting to impact other areas too.
If I Am Attacked By a 'Ghost Bug,' Should I Go to the Hospital? How Harmful is the Bite?
The good news, according to the Hudson Valley Post is that if you do get bit by a 'Ghost Bug,' there is very little harm other than the good possibility of feeling pain for a few days. You wouldn't have to go to the emergency room or urgent care, luckily.
If I Can't See These 'Ghost Bugs,' How Do I Protect Myself From Them?
Basically, you would treat the 'Ghost Bug' situation the same way you would go about protecting yourself from ticks. When you're outside for any length of time, whether it's hiking, mowing the lawn, hanging out/working in the yard, etc., you want to keep yourself covered up with long sleeves and pants. That's your best defense from these pesky little critters. In addition to Ghostbusters, we need a Ghostbugbusters team. Okay, that was terrible I know.