Meet The Newest Member Of Berkshire South
Berskshire South Regional Community Center in Great Barrington, Massachusetts is pleased to introduce Mark Gross as their newest member of their Board of Trustees. He is a resident of neighboring Richmond upon his retirement five years ago and has been a frequent visitor to our listening area since 1986.
Mark is a graduate of Bard College and New York Law School and he practiced his profession between 1972 and 1975 in New York City and neighboring Mount Vernon in Westchester county where he started his own firm that focused on the concentration of municipal and administrative law and real estate litigation.
Other experience in the field included the appointment to the Mount Vernon City Court bench back in February of 2006 and then became a certified judge until his retirement in 2015 and then headed north to establish full time residence in The Berkshires.
Mark is familiar with the goings-on up the block from us at Crissey Road as he has been a part of Berkshire South as has served on the facility's Finance Committee with active involvement and participation in gym and water aerobics classes.
He has also been active in the local Little League, Elks Lodge and Democratic City Committee and has served on The Board and Executive committee of his synagogue. While in Mount Vernon, Mark was president of B'nai B'rith and held a similar post in Westchester and Putnam counties in downstate New York and served on the Board of the Mount Vernon YM & YMH. His community involvement extended as Chairman of a local UJA-Federation annual fund drive and was and was an active member of B'nai B'rith's Board of District number 1.
Since 2017 he has also served on the Town of Richmond's Municipal Building Committee by overseeing the planning of a new town library and community center. Upon their relocation to The Berkshires, Mark and his wife Hannah have been active members in their community. They have two sons and 4 grandchildren. Next time you are at Berkshire South, make it a point to stop in and say hello.
(The following information was obtained by WSBS via a press release courtesy of The Berkshire South Regional Community Center for on-air and on-line usage)
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