Sheffield Kiwanis’ Scholarship Application Now Available
If you're a high school senior or if you are enrolled in college, here's something that you may want to consider as you further your education.
Sheffield Kiwanis’ annual scholarship application is now available for seniors graduating from Monument Mountain and Mount Everett high schools. College students who graduated from those schools are eligible to apply even if they did not apply in high school, provided they meet all other requirements. The scholarships are primarily needs-based but all applications will be considered. Please go to sheffieldkiwanis.org for the application and requirements. Click, print, fill out and mail with all required documentation by Apr. 1. For questions and more information, email info@sheffieldkiwanis.org.

About Sheffield Kiwanis
Sheffield Kiwanis is part of a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time. Kiwanis has proudly served the towns of Alford, Egremont, Great Barrington, Monterey, Mount Washington, New Marlborough and Sheffield since 1954. Kiwanis invites you to ask a Kiwanian why he or she joined – one of the Kiwanians more than likely lives in your neighborhood. They’re happy to tell you why they are excited about Kiwanis. While Kiwanis is not able to meet in person due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the group continues to hold our weekly meetings at 6:30 pm every Tuesday via Zoom. If you are interested in attending a Zoom meeting, please contact info@sheffieldkiwanis.org for the link.
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