
Popular Retailer Closing 27 Stores Soon, Including Location in Massachusetts
Popular Retailer Closing 27 Stores Soon, Including Location in Massachusetts
Popular Retailer Closing 27 Stores Soon, Including Location in Massachusetts
No matter what business it is, it's always unfortunate to see any location have to close up shop. It just so happens that a popular retail chain recently announced that it is having to close several of its stores across the country, and that happens to include one of its locations here in Massachusetts.
Popular Retailer Laying Off Dozens With Closure of Store in Massachusetts
Popular Retailer Laying Off Dozens With Closure of Store in Massachusetts
Popular Retailer Laying Off Dozens With Closure of Store in Massachusetts
No matter what store it is, we always hate to see it happen wherever it may be, but especially when a store needs to close its doors in Massachusetts. One the more popular retail chains in the Bay State after the holiday season and in effect causing several layoffs for the current employees.

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