A Priceless Keepsake Was Lost In This Near Berkshire TownA Priceless Keepsake Was Lost In This Near Berkshire TownSee if you can assist in this Ron CarsonRon Carson
GB Fire Dept. to Host Blood DriveGB Fire Dept. to Host Blood DriveSign up and make a positive difference in the community.Jesse StewartJesse Stewart
James & Kim Taylor Donate $350,000 to Berkshire Medical CenterJames & Kim Taylor Donate $350,000 to Berkshire Medical CenterIn coordination with Berkshire Health Systems, a $350,000 donation from The Taylor Family helped to jumpstart BMC's COVID-19 Relief Fund. MarjoMarjo
A $100 K Matching Donation Is Offered To Berkshire SouthA $100 K Matching Donation Is Offered To Berkshire SouthThis generous donation enhances the facility's current year end fund-raising campaignRon CarsonRon Carson
Big Y Giving Tag ProgramBig Y Giving Tag ProgramBerkshire County Arc has begun generating donations through the Big Y Community Bag and Giving Tag Program.Jesse StewartJesse Stewart
Benefit Concert Canceled But Cause Will Still BenefitBenefit Concert Canceled But Cause Will Still BenefitIn the wake of a concert cancellation, Berkshires residents James & Kim Taylor donate $10,000 to the Pediatric Emergency Department at Albany Medical Center. Mike GarlandMike Garland