
Is There a Legal Age Limit for Trick-or-Treat in Massachusetts?
Is There a Legal Age Limit for Trick-or-Treat in Massachusetts?
Is There a Legal Age Limit for Trick-or-Treat in Massachusetts?
We're almost halfway through October and Massachusetts residents are preparing for the upcoming holiday. While hundreds of thousands of people flock to Salem, Massachusetts, another 1.5 million pass through the Berkshires for fall foliage...
You’re Not Allowed to Pass Out This Halloween Candy in Massachusetts
You’re Not Allowed to Pass Out This Halloween Candy in Massachusetts
You’re Not Allowed to Pass Out This Halloween Candy in Massachusetts
Halloween is only a few weeks away and Massachusetts residents are stocking up on candy, as record high amount of trick-or-treaters are expected as pandemic fears quell. We're always told to check children's Halloween candy for any kind of drugs or sharp objects, but there is actually one kind of candy that is illegal to pass out at trick-or-treat or serve to minors at all...
New Updates For Trick Or Treat Events Happen In The Berkshires
New Updates For Trick Or Treat Events Happen In The Berkshires
New Updates For Trick Or Treat Events Happen In The Berkshires
It looks like we will be seeing ghosts, goblins, superheroes, and witches this Halloween. As of right now, this is what we have found out who will be seeing kids out and about. Town Trick-or-Treating 2021 will be held on different days up to Halloween October 31st unless noted otherwise below.

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