Trading Post items for August 4
1) Ed s STILL looking for more vintage Coleman lanterns and stoves....If you can help him out, call 413-446-7293....
2) Steven has a 1998 GMC CJ-3500 4 by 4 rear wheel drive pick-up truck available for $2,500 or he'll take best offer....If you are interested in this vehicle, call him at 413-717-5469....
3) Norm is STILL looking for a tape recorder to document doctor's visits....If you can assist in his quest, call him at 413-854-4478....
4) Norm's brother Al is looking for a wood stove....Give him a call at 413-537-8282....
5) Robert has a 2 inch bid for a 2012 jeep including 4 ranch shocks for $200 or he'll take best offer....To inquire, call 413-930-7226....
6) Charlie has offerings available at his "bargain store" including a pair of flashlights for only $20, an electric fireplace also priced at $20, a 1st edition printing of the book "Camping and Tramping with Roosevelt" 1st published in 1907 for the incredible price of $50 and a 2000 GMC cargo work van reduced to $900 or he'll take best offer for this vehicle....Call him at 413-329-6353...
7) Tom is South Egremont has an assortment of items for sale including a Big Tex landscape trailer for only $675, a Fairbanks Morse 2 horse power hit and miss engine priced at $375, a Champion antique hand-cranked forge available for $175 and a Kubota ZG 27 horse power 60 inch deck for $4,200....he'll also take best offer for any or all these items mentioned....For more information, call 413-528-0076....
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