Trading Post Items For December 22
1) Prue in Mill River has a pair of items free of charge just in time for Christmas including a Singer sewing machine with cabinet and an electric dryer. To arrange for a pick-up, give her a call at (413) 229-8407.
2) John checked in from Amsterdam, New York as he is STILL looking to sell a bunch of 78 RPM records. They are all available for only $100 and a vintage 1931 Ford Model A hood for the firm price of $300. To inquire further, call 1-518-843-6117.
3) Vinnie in Sheffield STILL has a Craftsman snow blower for the reduced price of $200. If you are interested, give him a call at (413) 329-4438.
4) Joey STILL has an electric wood stove complete with a built-in lighted log for the incredible price of only $50. Call him today at (413) 645-3108.
5) Norm is selling a 28 by 34 by 26 chest freezer for the low price of $75. Call (413) 854-4478.
6) Tom checked in from South Egremont as he has a 4 wheel drive Polaris Ranger 400 UTV, 4 by 4 complete with a canopy top, windshield and dump body all for $5,800 or he will take best offer...For more information, call (413) 528-0076.
7) Louie has an assortment of items including a treadmill, a HP 23 inch desk top computer and 4 lap tops all available for best offer. To inquire further, call (413) 329-9465.
8) Bill in Housatonic has an assortment of sports cards all for $100. For more information, call (413) 274-5010.