Trading Post Items For July 27
1) Carol has a FREE electric lift recliner chair available for pick-up in Great Barrington and a Vizio sound bar for a TV set which also includes a remote control for the incredible low price of $50. To inquire further, call (413) 717-4043.
2) Pierre in Becket is STILL in search of vintage advertising signs and any gas pump related items. If you can assist him in his quest, give him a call at (413) 441-2239.
3) Bill has a FREE large round cocktail table available for pick-up on Main Street in Housatonic. His son also has an assortment of Legos, all for only $40. For more details, call (413) 274-5010.
4) Carol checked in from neighboring Claverack, New York. She has a pair of zebra finches available for $10 a piece. Call her at 1-518-567-7646.
5) Al has a queen size adjustable Craftmatic bed frame available for $200 or he'll take best offer. For more information, call him at 1-518-428-2618.
(A reminder: The WSBS Trading Post returns next Saturday to it's regular time slot. You can buy, sell or trade up to 4 items immediately following the 9 am news on YOUR Home Town Station, WSBS)