Upcoming Events At Berkshire South Community Center
There is always something going on up the block from us on Crissey Road in Great Barrington, Massachusetts as our friends at Berkshire South Regional Community Center have an assortment of events planned for their loyal members. Most of these presentations will be presented virtually due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, however various classes are offered in house.
Here is a list of what is in store:
A virtual dance class with live piano accompaniment is scheduled to begin on February 2nd and 4th via Zoom as participants can learn the art of ballet vocabulary, positions, steps and center combinations. tap dance classes introduce youngsters to basic rhythms, steps and sequencing. Pre-registration is required.
French lessons are also being offered via Zoom every Wednesday. If you are interested in learning a second language, e-mail: programs@berkshiresouth.org
Between February 15th and February 19th, The Center presents "February Freeze", a week of socially distant, safe activities for youngsters during their week-long break from school . Space is limited. For more information, contact the Center's Education Team.
The American Red Cross will offer hands-on courses that focuses on saving lives on the third Tuesday of every month. Masks MUST be worn and proper social distancing and health protocol guidelines will be strictly enforced. You can register by accessing this link
.If you are ready to push yourself in a positive and supportive environment, make a personal training appointment with Rebecca, a certified ACE trainer with an associate degree in physical fitness as she will assist in improving your everyday living with increased strength, flexibility and balance. Call The Center's front desk at (413) 528-2810, extension 10 to make an appointment.
If you would like to keep in shape by swimming, a pair of courses will be offered including Tes Reed's Aqua Boot Camp that takes place every Tuesday from 5:30 to 6:30 pm and Janice Shields will guide you through the Fountain Of Youth Thursdays from 11:30 am to 12;30 pm.
Tara Rahkola is your instructor for Chair Yoga sessions every Tuesday at 10 am. All participants MUST wear masks and the course is limited to 5 people per class. Pre-registration is required prior to attendance.
For more details on all these offerings, contact Berkshire South at (413) 528-2810 extension 10 or log on to their web site by going here. A footnote: Dial extension 32 for French classes OR extension 34 for February Freeze.
(The following information and photo image of Rebecca was obtained by WSBS via a press release courtesy of The Berkshire South Regional Community center for on-air and on-line usage)
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