Women in the Berkshires to be Awarded Scholarships
The Berkshire Business & Professional Women's (BBPW) Organization will again award scholarships to women in Berkshire County. The scholarship is available to women ages 25 and older, and this year will not only be awarded to women who live and/or work in Berkshire County but also to women whose positions were displaced due to Covid -19 in Berkshire County.
This year the organization recognized that many people were impacted in their positions by Covid-19 and decided to fund some of the scholarships for women who were impacted in this manner.
The organization has been awarding scholarships since the early 1990's and in 2019, $11,000 was awarded and in 2018, 18 scholarships totaling $18,000 were awarded. Applicants must be at least 25 years of age and be enrolled in an educational program.
Awards can be used for any educational needs of the applicants. Proceeds from the organization's annual Women of Achievement event benefits the scholarship program each year. This year's awardee is Berkshire County District Attorney Andrea Harrington.
Details and a digital application is available by going here.
Application deadline is August 22, 2020. For further questions on this program please email Scholarship Chair, June Roy-Martin at juneroy0417@gmail.com.
About BBPW
BBPW Members and Guests convene (currently virtually) at 5:30pm on the first Monday of each month, with a few exceptions. Guest speakers are invited to each meeting to address a variety of topics that are important to working women, such as health and wellness, wealth management, public speaking and organization techniques.
The Berkshire Business and Professional Women organization provides professional and personal development and networking opportunities for working women from diverse fields. Since 1965, Berkshire BPW has been honoring local women in Berkshire County, Massachusetts, recognizing the achievements of outstanding women, developing awareness of issues important to working women and awarding career advancement scholarships.
You can get more information about BBPW by going here.
(press release information sent to WSBS from BBPW for online and on air use)
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