
Is This Considered Littering In Massachusetts?
Is This Considered Littering In Massachusetts?
Is This Considered Littering In Massachusetts?
My son and I were on a walk the other day when he was asking me if fruit was ok to throw outside. I think we've all done it at one point, right? I'm not saying right in the middle of the street or even the sidewalk, but maybe walking in the woods...
This May Seem Totally Harmless, But It’s Illegal In Massachusetts
This May Seem Totally Harmless, But It’s Illegal In Massachusetts
This May Seem Totally Harmless, But It’s Illegal In Massachusetts
I really thought at one point, embarrassingly enough it was recent, that chuckin' what I knew to be biodegradable out the window was fair game. You know, like, it wasn't illegal. I was wrong. I admit it, I have thrown an apple core out the window...