Attention Berkshire County Restaurants: Will You be Open on Thanksgiving?
Author: Jesse Stewart
Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching and it's one of my favorite times of the year. Getting together with the family and sitting down to a delicious meal is a feel-good moment that can't be replaced. Living in the Berkshires, my wife and I have been preparing the feast for approximately 15 years, since our early '20s. Whether it be at our tiny apartment on the third floor (the maid's quarters) in the Town of Lee from 2006-2010 or in our current Pittsfield location, we have been getting up at 5 am to clean, stuff, and slide the bird in the oven for an afternoon feast on Thanksgiving day.
We have been stuffing onions, oranges even lemons into the turkey for that special flavor that adds an extra pop to our dining experience. Plus, we have side dishes galore including mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, carrots, corn, rolls, gravy, stuffing, even turnip. The desserts are a delight as well as we serve up a variety of pies including my mother's homemade cinnamon apple pie.
For those that are staying in the Berkshires this Thanksgiving and aren't planning on cooking or attending a home get-together, I thought as an option it would be nice for local restaurants to let us know if they are open on Thanksgiving Day. If you are, fill out the form below by this Friday, Nov. 19. We'll automatically receive an email and then we'll add you to the list of restaurants/eateries open on Thanksgiving in an upcoming post at the end of the week.
With all of this Thanksgiving talk, let's take a look at the 25 best Thanksgiving movies of all time. Do you think these are the best?
LOOK: Here Are the 25 Best Thanksgiving movies of all time
Some favorite classics here. Which ones do you watch with the family?
TOP 10: The best holiday TV specials of all time, ranked