Have you heard the tale of buried treasure in Dalton?

It’s a local myth that’s known to some, but if you’re unfamiliar, it revolves around the American Revolution and Hessian soldiers.

Hessian soldiers were German troops, or mercenaries, that were hired by the British during the American Revolution.  During their time here, it’s said the Hessians raided and looted local farms throughout the area, slowly accumulating a stockpile of wealth.  However, as we know, the American Revolution didn’t go so well for the British (or the Hessians).  Knowing the war wasn’t going in their direction, and with a large treasure that's hard to escape with, it’s said the Hessians buried their treasure somewhere in the hills of Dalton, and they would come back to claim their treasure when the war was over.


Some versions of the legend have the Hessians as prisoners being transported back to Boston.  Other versions have them escaping and burying their treasure in a cannon.  But just about all versions have Dalton as a common denominator of where that treasure might be buried.

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Now, keep in mind a legend is just that…a legend.  There’s no proof that any treasure is buried in Dalton.  Local historians claim it’s unlikely.

BUT…there’s no proof saying there isn’t treasure buried in Dalton!  And, plenty of unlikely events actually happen all the time.  So, who knows?  Maybe you’ll take your metal detector to Dalton and find that treasure...or something even more valuable!

Open treasure chest filled with gold coins / HIgh contrast image

Just double check with the town of Dalton (or wherever you might go treasure hunting) to ask about where you can and cannot use a metal detector to search for some buried treasure.

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