Labor Day ’80s Flashback on WSBS
As the summer season winds down we're going out in a rad style as we flashback to the '80s this Labor Day Monday on WSBS. With the Red Sox off along with many of our daily features suspended on Monday, we're going to cram the hours with nothing but the decade that brought us 'Cheers,' New Coke, Nintendo and a host of fun, smash hits.
We'll be playing the songs you can sing along with including artists such as Buster Poindexter, Bananarama, Journey, Wham, Cyndi Lauper, Taco, Lionel Richie, Madonna, Michael Jackson, Eddie Murphy and many more. So join us this Monday morning beginning at 6am and going through midnight as we take a time warp down memory lane and go 'Back to the Future' with a Labor Day 80's Flashback on WSBS.
Think you know your '80s trivia? Here are eight '80s fun facts:
(1) Berkshire County resident and actress Karen Allen starred and/or co-starred in a host of movies during the '80s including 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' (1981), 'Starman' (1984) and 'Scrooged' (1988) to name a few.
(2) Longtime drummer for John Mellencamp and studio musician virtuoso Kenny Aronoff grew up in Stockbridge and attended Monument Mountain Regional High School in Great Barrington.
(3) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles creator Peter Laird was born in North Adams and attended Drury High School.
(4) Eddie Van Halen provided the guitar solo on Michael Jackson's smash hit 'Beat It' from the 'Thriller' album. Eddie recorded the solo for free.
(5) Phil Collins performed (in person) at both the London and Philadelphia locations of 'Live Aid' on July 13, 1985.
(6) According to Wikipedia, Jack Nicholson accepted the role of the Joker in the 1989 'Batman' film under strict conditions that dictated top billing, a portion of the film's earnings (including associated merchandise), and his own shooting schedule.
(7) The very first WrestleMania event took place at Madison Square Garden in New York City on Mar. 31, 1985. Vince McMahon put everything he had on the line to run this show. It was a gamble but it turned out to be a huge success and WrestleMania is now known as the 'Super Bowl' of Sports entertainment. 36 events have been produced and aired under the WrestleMania name.
(8) On Sept. 18, 1983 the band 'Kiss" did the unthinkable when they removed their iconic makeup in front of the world on MTV. This unmasking lead to the success of their album 'Lick It Up."
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