North Adams

Auto Parts Retailer Closing Mass. Locations In 2025
Auto Parts Retailer Closing Mass. Locations In 2025
Auto Parts Retailer Closing Mass. Locations In 2025
When news spreads that a new business is opening in western Massachusetts, it's often followed up with, "which is it, a pot shop or another auto parts store?" The irony here is that a major auto parts retailer announced last month that it will be closing hundreds of stores...
Items Not Accepted At Mass. Redemption Centers
Items Not Accepted At Mass. Redemption Centers
Items Not Accepted At Mass. Redemption Centers
The bottle bill did not pass in Massachusetts this year. If it had passed, some things would have changed. The bottle and can deposit amount would have gone to 10 cents instead of 5 cents. It has been five cents a can since 1983. Some states do not have redemption programs...
The Real Reason For Shoes On Powerlines In Mass.
The Real Reason For Shoes On Powerlines In Mass.
The Real Reason For Shoes On Powerlines In Mass.
Shoes or sneakers with their laces tied together and draped over powerlines seemed to be everywhere when I was a kid. They were either everywhere or I just thought the sight of them was so cool I didn't think there could be a sinister meaning behind it...

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