Massachusetts Grapples With A Powerful, Bold And Painstaking Topic
A lot and I mean a lot has changed since the days during my youth. While growing up in the ol' haunts of New York City, we experienced a much simpler life without electronic gadgets and when we all spoke one-on-one without texting, messaging or even e-mailing. Telephones did not need to be charged as we used "land lines" that were mounted on your wall (and they never ran out of power as you could even make a phone call if electricity went on the fritz). The only worry you had is if the person on that opposite end would call you back.
Which leads me to the next topic at hand: Cigarette smoking. Yes, you heard right. Keep in mind, in NO way are we endorsing this practice, but I can tell you for a fact those who continue to indulge have seen major changes to satisfy their habit. Back in the old days, you were able to light up while having a drink at your favorite watering hole or if you went out with some friends for lunch or dinner at a restaurant. Now, that is NOT the case as those who prefer to smoke have to go outdoors, regardless of the weather. How does this resonate here from The Berkshires to Boston and within our neighboring areas? Inquiring minds would like to know the answer.
It even has gone to the point where you can't even have a smoke in your residence as landlords have banned people from smoking in rented apartments or homes. It's a much different scenario if you are a home owner because it's YOUR domain and YOU have a right to set up rules and guidelines while people visit the respective dwelling.
Hotels and motels even climbed aboard with this mandate as guests CAN'T have a cigarette or a cigar while they are physically in their room. Most properties have posted and issued fines for those who violate this practice and you could pony up anywhere between $200 and $300 that would be added to your final bill which could be an expensive night's stay if you ask me.
Even gambling establishments around the region have climbed aboard to join in on this "so-called" ban as those who play the slots and table games now have to take their smoking habit outdoors and that could be an inconvenience to patrons who are actually assisting in the property's daily revenue collection.
The point addressed is that smokers are being treated lately like "outcasts" in this so-called 21st century. For some, it's a welcome sight but for those who still indulge, their rights to choose what they want to do in their lives is their business (despite some of the health setbacks associated with this practice, but it is their choice and no one else's) as a mandate should be rectified to accommodate them in some manner. Even automobiles that used to include ash trays have now been eliminated from the car's dashboard. Go figure!
To reiterate: There is NO endorsement on encouraging the reader of this article to par take in lighting up, although many not for profit organizations offer smoking cessation programs to assist in "kicking the habit" as people who choose to lead a healthier lifestyle now have the tools to assist them in quitting. That could be addressed in a future article. Believe it or not, smokers do contribute to regenerate the economy (in a different sort of way) but the solution to raise prices or treating people as second class citizens should be examined a little more carefully.
Remember, indulging in alcoholic beverages is also not endorsed, but you don't send patrons outdoors to have a libation. Think about that in more detail.
(The content of this article is simply based by the author and does NOT represent the viewpoints OR opinions of Townsquare Media in general)
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