LISTEN: Relay for Life Presents ‘A Night of Hope’ (UPDATED AUDIO)
Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic the traditional Berkshire County American Cancer Society Relay for Life event didn't happen this year. However there is an event coming in October that you can partake in and Ray Gardino (the Lead of Relay for Life) shared the following details with us regarding the event.
Due to the cancelation of the traditional Relay For Life event for 2020 we came up with the idea of focusing on the luminary bags that would typically line the track. Our plan at this point is to ring the south parking lot of Guardian Life in Pittsfield with illuminated bags as each bag represents someone that has been touched by cancer. We also plan to hold the bags down with donated, non perishable food cans that we are collecting. We will later donate the food to a local food bank. We are planning on speaking with John Williams about doing some form of Facebook live and pre-recorded material. The details on that are still being discussed. The Night of Hope will start at 7 pm on Saturday, Oct. 3. Cars will be able to drive into Guardian and around the parking lot to see the bags. I'm hopeful that we could have as many as 700 bags illuminated.
As Ray mentioned above, some of the details are still being ironed out and as soon as we get an update from Ray, we will share the update on our website and on the radio. If you would like to make a donation, you may do so by going here.
To view the live stream of the event this Saturday (Oct. 3) just go here.
Update: Ray joined Jesse Stewart on 'Let's Talk' Friday morning (Aug. 21) and he shared some additional details about the 'Night of Hope' event. You can listen to the audio below:
Update: 10/01/2020: Ray joined Jesse Stewart on Let's Talk on Sept. 30. We have included the intreview audio below:
(image sent to us from Ray Gardino for online use)
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