Growing up in Berkshire County during the '80s and '90s, one of my favorite places to explore was The Toy Works in Pittsfield. Located in the Allendale Shopping Center, going to The Toy Works was more than just a trip to one of the Berkshire's best toy stores for me, no, it was an adventure, better yet, it was a big event.

I grew up in Northern Berkshire County so going to Pittsfield to visit The Toy Works was a big treat for me. I made sure that I was a good boy and remained patient on those drives even though I was filled with excitement, anticipation, and joy.

As a kid, walking into the Pittsfield toy store, was like walking into a palace filled with some of the greatest treasures of the time. It felt like I was walking through a dream. It was awe-inspiring. The aisles were filled with all of the hottest items a kid could ever want and the store did a fantastic job at having plenty of fresh items in stock and on the shelves. The variety was second to none.  All of my favorites were available including WWF Hasbro action figures, Batman action figures, Ghostbusters action figures, fake slime, the latest and greatest Nintendo games of the time including Mike Tyson's Punch-Out, The Legend of Zelda, Paperboy, and who could forget Super Mario Brothers 3....HUGE! I just wanted to spend hours upon hours in that store.

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Of course, my parents couldn't buy me all of those items but I made sure I included them all on my Christmas list especially the wrestling figures. Seeing those Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warrior figures and corresponding wrestling buddies made my day and made my face hurt from having such a wide smile.

The Toy Works in Pittsfield was certainly larger than life and was an absolute dream for Berkshire County kids in the late '80s into the '90s. I miss that store so much. It was so sad when it came to end. What are your memories of The Toy Works?

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KEEP READING: Check out these totally awesome '80s toys

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