Unique but Genius? Funny Sight Recently Photographed in Pittsfield (photo)
Berkshire County is the place to be for many people. Obviously, we have tourists that want to check out our natural and cultural attractions including the Red Lion Inn in Stockbridge, Mount Greylock in Adams, the Williamstown Theater Festival, Tanglewood in Lenox, Monument Mountain Reservation in Great Barrington, Mass Moca in North Adams, The Mount in Lenox, Jiminy Peak in Hancock, Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, Natural Bridge in North Adams, Berkshire Museum in Pittsfield, Housatonic Flats in Great Barrington and the list goes on and on.
Spooky/Unique Attractions Have Become Popular in Berkshire County as Well
You also have folks who want to explore or learn more about our supernatural or spooky/unique attractions including the Houghton Mansion in North Adams, the UFO Park in Sheffield, the Hoosac Tunnel (although I would advise you to steer clear of actually entering the tunnel, plus you're also dealing with private property issues) and many of our cemeteries that prove to have some haunted activity including this one.
Then There are Some Weird Things That You Bump into During Your Everyday Life in the Berkshires
We've been talking about all of the different types of attractions that bring people to the Berkshires but you also have us everyday folks who are just minding our own business, working, raising our families, etc. Whether we are out shopping, getting gas, or driving to and from our jobs, we may occasionally see something that makes us laugh or say "now there's something you don't see every day."

Wondering What to Do With Your Dog Poop Bag When Traveling?
Erik Peterson, lead singer of the Berkshire County band the Full Burn recently posted this image to Facebook. The photo was taken in Pittsfield. Ready for it...
Now, this is funny but as some people commented on the Facebook page, it's also genius. Others thought that it was a better idea than just tossing it on the side of the road or letting it stink up the vehicle. Some thought it was an absolutely brilliant idea. No matter what you think of it, you must admit, it's something you don't see that often. Maybe this motorist will set a trend here in Berkshire County.
RELATED: Speaking of Pittsfield, let's take a look at the city way back when and in recent years.
Pittsfield: Then and Now
Take a Tour of the Capitol Theater in Downtown Pittsfield
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