LISTEN: ‘It’s Not That Simple’ Jan. 3 (AUDIO)
It's the first 2020 edition of 'It's Not That Simple' with co-hosts Ed Abrahams (Great Barrington Select Board member) and Pedro Pachano (Great Barrington Planning Board member).
Ed and Pedro examine issues facing Great Barrington and explore the question, “why don’t they just fix it?” They discuss the complexities, the competing interests, the less obvious costs or consequences, and the missing information that explains why It’s Not That Simple. They do their best to steer clear of opinion and to just point out the issues that make the problems more complex than they might appear.
Although both men serve on elected town boards, they are not speaking for those boards or for the town in any capacity. They are only representing themselves on the radio. The program airs every other Friday morning at 9:05 on WSBS. The talk show covers town issues that one may think may be corrected by a common sense solution but isn't always the case for a variety of reasons.
On this edition of the program, Ed and Pedro discuss the relationship between farming and food. Their guests on the program include local farmers Sean Stanton of North Plain Farm as well as Molly Comstock of Colfax Farm. In addition, Margaret Moulton of Berkshire Grown is a guest on the program to discuss how Berkshire Grown supports our farmers and our community.
You can listen to the pre-recorded program below (the audio has been divided into two segments).
Article Image (from left to right): Molly Comstock, Sean Stanton, Pedro Pachano, Margaret Moulton, Ed Abrahams
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