Mt. Washington Church Fair This Weekend
The annual Mt. Washington Church Fair is coming up this Saturday (August 4) from 10:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. in the center of town at East Street and Cross Road in Mt. Washington It's free to the public, just show up. The event raises money for the congregational church in town. The church distributes proceeds from the fair as benevolences to about two dozen charities, local and international. Some of the local ones include the Southern Berkshire Ambulance Squad and Hospice Care of the Berkshires just to name a few. The national ones include Oxfam America and Doctors Without Borders and many more.
At the Mt. Washington Church Fair you'll find a variety of food including corn, grilled burgers, funnel cakes, blueberry pies, salad and many more food options. In addition, Charlie Flint, an antique expert, will give you an on-the-spot appraisal of any item you can carry to the fair. You'll also be able to partake in games for the whole family, door prizes (this year there will also be a special door prize for the kids) and the ever so popular silent auction. Available in this year's silent auction includes a painting by local artist Morgan Bulkeley, three sessions with certified college counselor Bill Short and a framed Audubon print. Door prize items include a gift certificate to Herrington's and one to Michele's Spa. Plus there will be great music by local musicians Sandy and Sandy.
The raffle item this year at the Mt. Washington Church Fair is a new handmade quilt which depicts Guilder Pond and the wildlife that abounds around it. The quilt is on display at Guido's in Great Barrington, Tickets can be purchased at Guido's and at the fair.
The fun continues at the Mt. Washington Church Fair as you can check out the white elephant tent. You can find almost anything under the tent including mugs, a table of mountain artisans items, jewelry, plants and more. Tote bags will also be available in a variety of colors, they're handmade, unique and also available for kids. The fair is more eco-friendly this year as there will be compostable plates and free water in non plastic bottles.
(article image taken from the Mt. Washington Church Fair Facebook Page)
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