Rembold Explains the Benefits of Completing the 2020 Census
On a recent edition of the WSBS program 'Let's Talk' we spoke with Great Barrington Assistant Town Manager, Chris Rembold. One of the topics Rembold discussed was the benefits to town residents by completing the 2020 census.
Rembold explained that the Census counts because it helps allocate federal funding and provides Great Barrington with accurate representation in congress…both critical elements for the town’s community. He said that the Census can be completed online by going here.
Rembold assured listeners that the responses are safe, secure and confidential. He noted that so far only 54% of Great Barrington residents have completed the Census. Rembold said that only 10 minutes of a person’s time today means greater political representation and funding for residents for the next 10 years. Completing the Census now means more money from the federal government and that money goes along way in Great Barrington according to Rembold.
You can complete the 2020 Census by going here.

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