A Call To All Thespians
The Aglet Theatre Company will hold auditions for aspiring actors or actresses to appear in one of two productions that will presented in the coming weeks at Dewey Hall on Main Street in Sheffield.
The first play "A Walk In the Woods" by Lee Blessing focuses on two negotiators, a Russian and an American who are in constant odds to negotiate as the issue of disarmament is the sticking point in both parties seeing eye to eye in this sensitive issue. Producers are looking for a male or female over 55 years of age with perfect Engilsh and a very slight Russian accent to portray Russian career diplomat, Botvinnik and a male or female over 40 years of age to assume the part of American negotiator Honeyman. The play is directed by Thomas Gruenewald and will be presented in front of a live audience on March 9th, time still yet to be determined.
The second production entitled "Marjorie Prime" focuses on a 85 year old woman with a plethora of fading memories and is in need to share them with a new companion as this story line provided by Jordan Harrison examines the mystery of human identity and it's limits of what modern technology can replace which is truly uncharted territory to the main character. Four performers are needed for this production to portray Marjorie who is in her 80's, Tess and Jon, Marjorie's daughter and son-in-law, both 55 years of age and Walter, a man in his early 30's. Macey Levin directs this interesting play which will be presented on April 6th, time to be determined.
If you are interested in auditioning for any of these shows, please call 1-860-435-NWCT (6928) as there is a stipend for each actor or actress that will compensate your added contribution to any of these productions or you can e mail aglettheatre@comcast.net
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