The Rudolf Steiner School in Great Barrington is launching their annual spring puppet play series as the first show entitled "Nkosanti and The Dragon:A South African Tale of Courage" will be presented this Saturday at The Mason Library on Main Street. This free community event commences at 11:30 am.

Every performance is part of the curriculum in the early childhood program at GBRSS as the storyteller narrates each show in a calm, rhythmic voice and teachers are able to use their own hand-made marionette and needle-felted puppets. This helps to allow youngsters in using their imagination and the show is a valuable tool  that is used to excel in capacities towards creativity and language.

The Rudolf Steiner School specializes in the learning development towards infants, toddlers and mixed-age pre-K and Kindergarten students. The school is now accepting applications for the upcoming fall 2018 semester. To learn more, log on to their web site by going here or call Admissions Director Robyn Coe at (413) 528-4015 extension 106.


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