BCArc Receives Two Year License and Certification
PITTSFIELD, Mass. – Berkshire County Arc received the highest possible License and Certification of two years from the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) Office of Quality Enhancement (OQE). The organization received a two year license during the previous full licensing and certification review which made the agency eligible for a self-assessment review of its quality management processes for the current licensing and certification survey cycle. This self-assessment review was conducted in conjunction with a targeted review completed by OQE. The targeted review focused on eight critical licensing indicators as well as evaluated new and strengthened licensing and certification indicators that address compliance with Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) ‘final rule’ standards. The review was comprised of a sample of residential services, individual home supports, respite, and community based day services, as well as employment supports.
Findings from the targeted review noted that all eight critical indicators relating to health and safety standards were met. In certification areas, BCArc was noted as demonstrating strengths in communication, maximizing independence, choice control and growth and career planning, development and employment. Additionally, the survey team noted the strength of nursing oversight, staff dedication and longevity as well as consistency in supports across all services. The results of the review support the effectiveness of the licensing safeguards the organization has in place, and the practices BCArc has established to promote quality of service across certification domains.
BCArc President & CEO, Kenneth W. Singer stated, “The feedback was outstanding for all programs. The survey team leader had great things to share about each area and said ‘[t]hey love to come to BCArc because we provide such high quality services.’ Congratulations to all Berkshire County Arc staff for all of their hard work on a daily basis that keeps our agency in conformance with licensing and certification standards.”
About Berkshire County Arc
Founded in 1954, Berkshire County Arc is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization providing a broad range of community-based services to 800 individuals with developmental disabilities, brain injuries and autism throughout Berkshire and Hampden Counties in Massachusetts. The agency offers three day programs, 39 residential programs, employment services, citizen- and self-advocacy programs, respite services, an adult family care program and Zip ‘N Sort Mail Services. For more information, media professionals may contact Katrina Cardillo at 413-499-4241, ext. 254 or kcardillo@bcarc.org, or visit the organization's official website by going here
(press release sent to WSBS from Berkshire County Arc for online and on-air use)
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