An Amazing Drum Battle in Berkshire County Took Place on Aug. 9 (VIDEO)
Berkshire County has a plethora of talented musicians and each year our local radio stations host summer concert series events including Live on the Lake in Pittsfield, Party in the Park in North Adams, and Sounds of Summer in Great Barrington. Berkshire County residents love to come out to these concerts to watch, dance, and sing along with their favorite local bands.
Sounds of Summer in Great Barrington is the concert series that I work on a regular basis and whenever these Berkshire County (and beyond) bands come to the Great Barrington VFW, I'll be out on the grass, taking photos of the band and attendees to post on our website the following morning. Being someone who appreciates drums, I make sure that I get a healthy amount of photos of drummers in action. Think about it, drummers tend to be the unsung heroes of bands. They're behind a kit, tucked in the back and they typically aren't lead singers (although that isn't always the case) and don't have any guitar solos to present to the audience but without them, there would be no dancing, that's for sure.
One show in particular that highlighted what drummers can really do when given the spotlight, took place at Sounds of Summer at the Great Barrington V.F.W. on Aug. 9. The band Dead Man's Waltz was the featured act that night and they treated us to two drummers, Tom Major and Jeff Prescott. The double drummer lineup was fun to see but was especially awesome when these two guys were given the spotlight and treated the audience with an incredible drum solo. As soon as I saw and heard what was going on, I grabbed my phone and started filming their drum solo. These guys have some incredible chops. Check out the video (and many more) below.
If you liked this solo, check out these amazing ones below.