LISTEN: A Conversation With Andrea Harrington (Audio)
This past Tuesday morning (Oct. 29) on the WSBS 'Let's Talk' program we spoke with Berkshire County District Attorney Andrea Harrington. The focus of the conversation was on The Community Book Read For Domestic Violence Awareness project (Berkshire County has very high rates of domestic violence). Andrea, asked and is asking the community to read the book "No Visible Bruises: What We Don't Know About Domestic Violence Can Kill Us" by Rachel Louise Snyder as it is very empowering and educational. This project will culminate with a discussion with the author (information on where you can access the book along with author event details are provided by Andrea in the audio piece below).
The other focus of conversation was on the Juvenile Justice Initiative. This is a diversion program that was implemented by the District Attorney's office. Diversion is an alternate method to community based treatment which you will discover in the audio conversation provided below.
Andrea Harrington will be a guest on the talk show on a monthly basis to cover more of these types of topics and issues as they matter and have big effects on the Berkshires and Berkshire living. Stay tuned for more details. Audio from Tuesday's piece is provided below.