Having This on Your Vehicle Will Soon be Illegal in Massachusetts
Warmer temperatures and longer days are here and in Massachusetts, we are looking forward to the summer season. From hikes, outdoor concerts, beaches, camping, and more there will be plenty more things to do in the Bay State in the coming months. Long in the rearview mirror are the short, frigid, icy days. Welcome, warm weather.
Per Massachusetts Law, Those Studded Snow Tires Need to Come Off Soon
One thing you need to keep in mind is with April soon coming to an end, you'll need to get your studded snow tires removed from your vehicle if you haven't done so at this point. Failure to do so could result in a $50 fine which is not a fun way to celebrate the warmer weather. As many know, it is perfectly fine to have studded snow tires on your vehicle in Massachusetts but it has to be during the period of Nov. 1 through Apr. 30.
Are There Other Issues with Having Studded Snow Tires on Too Long?
In Addition to the risk of getting fined by Massachusetts, installing studded snow tires on your car too early and removing them too late could be harmful to your vehicle. Here's some information about this as provided by AutoGuide.com:
...installing winter tires too early when temperatures are too high can cause the tire to overheat and be just as detrimental to both tire life and vehicle drivability as driving on an all-season tire in the winter. It is best to consult your local tire shop as to when they recommend swapping over your tires.
Needless to say, if you haven't had your studded snow tires removed at this point, get to your local auto/tire shop and check that duty off of your list. Safe travels.