A Recap Of This Weekend’s “Abridged” Trading Post
1) Bill STILL has a vintage 1990 Ford Thunderbird super coupe with a V-6 engine and automatic transmission. The vehicle needs some form of restoration. He will take $1,200 or best offer. Stop on over in Egremont to check this car out by calling (413) 429-7667.
2) Tom checked in from South Egremont as he STILL has a tri-fold hard cover Tonneau cover for a 6 and a half foot bed for a Chevy or G-M-C pick up truck for a reduced price of $450 or he will take best offer. To inquire further, phone (413) 528-0076.
3) Pierre in "beautiful" Becket is STILL looking for vintage advertising signs. If you can assist him in his quest, give him a call at (413) 441-2239.
A reminder to tune in to The WSBS Trading Post every Saturday morning following the 9 o'clock news. An exclusive feature for our tri-state region presented by YOUR Home Town Station, 860 AM and 94.1 FM WSBS. You can Listen LIVE on line by going here or download the FREE WSBS app to your tablet, Smart Phone and mobile devices at your local app store or Google Play. Plus, you can access our programming via Google Home and Amazon Alexa devices to your Smart Speaker. Complete set-up instructions are available on the home page of our web site.
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