CPA Application Process Now Open for FY22
From The Town of Great Barrington
The Town of Great Barrington is now accepting applications for Fiscal Year 2022 Community Preservation Act grants funds.
Applications may be made for grants in the following areas: acquisition, creation and preservation of open space; acquisition, preservation or rehabilitation and restoration of historic resources; acquisition, creation, preservation, rehabilitation and restoration of land for recreational use; acquisition, creation, preservation and support of community housing; and for the rehabilitation or restoration of open space and community housing that is acquired or created with Community Preservation Funds.
The deadline for this Step 1 preliminary application is Oct. 2, 2020, at 4 p.m. The review and approval timeline is as follows:
- The Town's Community Preservation Committee will meet on Oct. 6 at 5 p.m. to review Step 1 applications and to invite Step 2 applications. Applicants must be present.
- Step 2 applications must be received not later than Friday, Nov. 6 by 4 p.m.
- The CPC will meet on Tuesday, Nov. 10 at 5 p.m. to begin review of Step 2 submittals. Applicants will be notified when their application will be reviewed.
For Steps 1 and 2, ten (10) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy (PDF) of the application must be received on or before the deadline. Applications received after either deadline will be rejected.
All pages of the application must be numbered.
Hard copies must be received by the Town Planner, Great Barrington Town Hall, 334 Main St., Great Barrington, MA, 01230, on or before the deadline. An electronic copy of each application must be submitted either in the form of a thumb drive (delivered with the 10 hard copies) or in the form of an electronic PDF file sent to crembold@townofgb.org on or before the deadline.
Applicants with questions may contact Town Planner Christopher Rembold, crembold@townofgb.org.
Photo Image: Chris Rembold
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