Have you ever wondered if you could start a beehive in your own backyard? Your curiosity is soon to be fulfilled.

In this Introduction to Beekeeping, Dan Carr takes you from the anatomy and social structure of honey bees to the basics of managing a hive, and teaches you about what it takes to start your very own beehive.

You may wondering, what's the benefit of beekeeping? Actually, there are several, including:

  • making honey locally from your own bees
  • producing wax which is a product of bees
  • pollination
  • it's low maintenance

Plus, for many, beekeeping is a fun and satisfying hobby.

Dan met his wife Marleen while beekeeping, and together they started a sustainable livestock farm and apiary in Falls Village, CT; Beavertides Farm. Besides raising sheep, goats and millions of honey bees, they teach classes in beekeeping, raising backyard chickens and other farming and homesteading related topics.

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Dan has over 17 years of experience as a beekeeper in both Malawi and the US. He has been teaching beekeeping courses for many years at Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture, the Brooklyn Grange rooftop farm in NYC and at his family farm, Beavertides Farm.

You can get more information about Beavertides farm by checking out their website or by going to their Facebook page.

This program which is taking place on Saturday, Mar. 13 from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. is being co-hosted with Mason Library in Great Barrington and presented on Zoom.

So mark, Mar. 13 on your calendar as a new hobby may beeeee in your future.

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