Do You/Your Band/Dance Group Want to Perform at Berkshire Busk?
Are you a Busker? A performance festival will be taking place in Great Barrington this summer on Friday and Saturday nights. If you're a musician, in a band, an actor, dancer, clown, storyteller, performer, basically a performance artist of any kind (busker), the Berkshire Busk! festival wants you. You can fill out a performance application by going here.
I Have Some Questions Before I Commit to Filling Out an Application. How Can I Get My Questions Answered?
Your timing is perfect! Great Barrington Town Manager Mark Pruhenski will be hosting a virtual coffee chat this Wednesday, May 5 at 10 a.m. Mark will have the founder of Berkshire Busk! on the chat with him. The chat is open to the public so you'll be able to ask your questions in regard to performing at Berkshire Busk. Plus, the chat will cover other town government related topics. More details along with the Zoom link can be accessed by going here.
What is the Mission/Purpose of Berkshire Busk?
According to their website, Berkshire Busk! strives to improve economic development and community engagement in downtown Great Barrington, MA, by harnessing artistic talent from the community and beyond to create a new and vibrant downtown cultural experience, beginning with this festival in the summer of 2021.
There's No Way This Can't be Fun!
Let's face it. We have all been cooped up for way too long. Now is your chance to get out there, perform for the public and get back to living your passion. Again, if you are a performer (busker), most likely Berkshire Busk! is going to be a great fit for you. Plus attendees are encouraged to tip the Buskers, pretty cool. Performance applications are due soon so don't delay.