Does Your Nonprofit Need A Tune-Up?
GREAT BARRINGTON – The Nonprofit Center of the Berkshires is holding a one-day Nonprofit Boot Camp on Thursday, March 14 for new, young and small nonprofits in need of a tune-up.
The Nonprofit Boot Camp takes place at the Red Lion Inn in Stockbridge and covers the basics of nonprofit management including governance, fundraising, and best practices. Lead presenter, Susan Nicholl, addresses topics through a combination of facilitator-led instruction and interactive discussion. Local experts also lead sessions on topics such as legal and insurance best practices.
Aimed at directors, board members, and volunteer leaders who want to build a solid foundation or address gaps, this day-long session presents an opportunity for staff and board to attend together.
Attendees will leave with a binder containing templates, sample descriptions, articles, and other resources to guide them in the coming months. Attending organizations will also have a free hour of phone consultation with Susan Nicholl, good anytime in 2019, to help their organization past any hurdles.
Susan Nicholl has served as a management consultant for the Institute for Nonprofit Development in Central Massachusetts and was instrumental in launching and establishing the Massachusetts Nonprofit Network (MNN) as its first and sole staff member. She has served as the past chair of the MetroWest Nonprofit Network and as a former editor of massnonprofit.org. She has worked professionally with boards of directors at more than three dozen organizations, providing consultation focused on re-energizing and growing small organizations, as principal of The Governance Group.
The Nonprofit Center of the Berkshires helps nonprofits connect, learn and grow. Boot Camp attendance is $125 for the primary participant and $75 for each additional participant from a nonprofit organization. Go here for more information and/or to register.
(press release sent to WSBS from The Nonprofit Center of the Berkshires for online and on-air use, article image: Susan Nicholl)
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